On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 10:59 PM, Lars Schneider
<larsxschnei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> some time ago Michael wrote in a blog post [1]:
> "It's not recommended to use git worktree with a repository that contains 
> submodules."
> Plus "Documentation/git-worktree.txt" states:
> "Multiple checkout in general is still experimental, and the support
> for submodules is incomplete. It is NOT recommended to make multiple
> checkouts of a superproject."
> I wonder about the current state of this limitation. Is the statement still 
> valid?

> If yes, do you know if someone is working on this? If nobody is working on 
> this, do
> you have some pointers for me what the main problems are?

The blocker is config file being shared (you do not want to share
core.worktree and submodule.*). I made some progress last weekend,
just needed to add some tests to see if submodule works as expected
and will post the series soon. Then you can take over if you want ;)

Note that I only try to make submodules work with multi worktree, not
work optimally. A more ambitious goal is sharing submodule repos, so
you can keep disk usage down...

> [1] 
> https://github.com/blog/2042-git-2-5-including-multiple-worktrees-and-triangular-workflows
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