Hi Michael and Peff,

I got two more lines from gpg -v during commit with -S:
gpg: writing to stdout
gpg: RSA/SHA1 signature from: "2EF2AD6E Tian Zhen <tianz...@honovation.com>"

after I commit, I push it to remote, but someone had pushed before to
master branch, so I pull on master branch(`git pull --rebase`), then I
check my commit via `git log --show-signature`, there is no signature
in it, so I commit it with --ament and -S again, the signature is come

I haven't check signature before push, because I have checked four
commits before, every commit is fine.

I don't know whether the `git pull` influenced signature or not.

My signature is just like Schrodinger's cat, when I check it, it lost :)

On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 6:57 PM, Michael J Gruber
<g...@drmicha.warpmail.net> wrote:
> Jeff King venit, vidit, dixit 14.06.2016 11:41:
>> On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 04:39:38PM +0800, ZhenTian wrote:
>>> I want to set gpg -v to pgp.program, but if I set it, it can't call gpg:
>>> ```
>>> error: cannot run gpg -v: No such file or directory
>>> error: could not run gpg.
>>> fatal: failed to write commit object
>>> ```
>>> I have tried set gpg.program value to `gpg|/tmp/log`, `/usr/bin/gpg
>>> -v`, `gpg -v`, `"/usr/bin/gpg -v"`
>>> only after I set to `gpg` or `/usr/bin/gpg` without any argument, it will 
>>> work.
>> Ah, right. Most of the time we run such programs as shell commands, but
>> it looks like we do not. So you'd have to do something like:
>>       cat >/tmp/fake-gpg <<-\EOF
>>       #!/bin/sh
>>       gpg -v "$@"
>>       EOF
>>       chmod +x /tmp/fake-gpg
>>       git config gpg.program /tmp/fake-gpg
>> -Peff
> The content of "gpg.program" is used as argv[0] when we build up various
> commands to be run; we expect it to heed standard gpg options.
> On the other hand:
> git -c gpg.program=echo commit -S
> 'successfully' creates a commit that has
> gpgsig -bsau Michael J Gruber <mic...@mouse.dis>
> as the last header line. gpg.program=true fails (as does cat, unhappy
> with the options), so apparently we do some error checking but not enough.
> Michael
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