Is this correct to send possible gitk patches here? or should I send
them to Paul Mackerras somehow?

Anyway I just wanted that gitk automatically updates while I'm working
in my terminal

Are you interrested?

as described in "SubmittingPatches" this patch is based on
git://ozlabs.org/~paulus/gitk   22a713c72df8b6799c59287c50cee44c4a6db51e

The code should be robust to just don't autoupdate if
https://sourceforge.net/projects/tcl-inotify/ is not installed

Open points for now:
 - release watches for deleted directories seems to cause problems in
tcl-inotify (so I don't)
   I'm not sure how often that happens in ".git/"
 - I only call "updatecommits" and I don't know if there is a usecase
where I should be calling "reloadcommits"

Florian Schüller
From 785ed6bc1b4a3b9019d3503b066afb2a025a2bc1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Florian=20Sch=C3=BCller?= <florian.schuel...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2016 22:54:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] first support for inotify

 gitk | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+)

diff --git a/gitk b/gitk
index 805a1c7..6e2ead2 100755
--- a/gitk
+++ b/gitk
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ exec wish "$0" -- "$@"
 # either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
 package require Tk
+try {
+    package require inotify
+    set we_have_inotify true
+} on error {em} {
+    set we_have_inotify false
 proc hasworktree {} {
     return [expr {[exec git rev-parse --is-bare-repository] == "false" &&
@@ -12363,6 +12369,59 @@ if {$i >= [llength $argv] && $revtreeargs ne {}} {
+proc inotify_handler { fd } {
+    set events [inotify_watch read]
+    set watch_info [inotify_watch info]
+    set update_view false
+    foreach {event} $events {
+        set current_watchid [dict get $event watchid]
+        set flags [dict get $event flags]
+        set event_filename [dict get $event filename]
+        foreach {path watchid watch_flags} $watch_info {
+            if {$watchid eq $current_watchid} {
+                set watch_path $path
+            }
+        }
+        set full_filename [file join $watch_path $event_filename]
+#        remove does not seem to work
+#        if {$flags eq "s"} {
+#            puts "Remove watch $full_filename"
+#            set wd [inotify_watch remove $full_filename]
+#        }
+        if {$flags eq "nD"} {
+            set wd [inotify_watch add $full_filename "nwds"]
+        }
+        if {![string match *.lock $event_filename]} {
+            set update_view true
+        }
+    }
+    #reloadcommits or updatecommits - depending on file and operation?
+    if {$update_view} {
+        updatecommits
+    }
+proc watch_recursive { dir } {
+    inotify_watch add $dir "nwaCmMds"
+    foreach i [glob -nocomplain -dir $dir *] {
+        if {[file type $i] eq {directory}} {
+            watch_recursive $i
+        }
+    }
+if { $we_have_inotify } {
+    set fd [inotify create "inotify_watch" "::inotify_handler"]
+    watch_recursive $gitdir
 set nullid "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
 set nullid2 "0000000000000000000000000000000000000001"
 set nullfile "/dev/null"

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