Michael Haggerty <mhag...@alum.mit.edu> writes:

> On 06/07/2016 06:57 PM, Johannes Sixt wrote:
>> Am 07.06.2016 um 13:50 schrieb Michael Haggerty:
>>>   test_update_rejected () {
>>> +    local prefix before pack create error &&
>> Do we want to add more of unportable 'local' declarations?
> Sorry, I forgot that `local` is not in the POSIX standard.

Regarding portability we say three things.

 * It is supported practically everywhere, and it is even in POSIX,
   so let's use it.

 * Even this is not in POSIX, it is supported practically
   everywhere, and it is too cumbersome to do things without using
   it, so let's use it.

 * It is not available in some platforms we (collectively) still
   care; it is not even in POSIX.  Don't use it.

I think "local" falls into the third one.

: bash; ksh
$ v=1
$ f () { local v; v=2; echo f; }
$ f
ksh: local: not found [No such file or directory]
$ echo $v
$ exit
: bash;

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