Would love to contribute more to git! I'm in the middle of a major
product launch, so I can do this next week. Of course no hard feelings
will be had if someone else wants to do it. I'm making myself a
calendar invite to remind myself right now.
I'll ping y'all in a week hopefully with a patch.
thank you,
On 6/7/16 1:08 PM, Eric Wong wrote:
+Cc Alfred, David
Joseph Pecoraro <> wrote:
`git help svn` does not mention `propset` but it does mention `proplist` and
`propget`. This seems like an oversight.
$ git help svn
Lists the properties stored in the Subversion repository about a
given file or directory.
Use -r/--revision to refer to a specific Subversion revision.
Gets the Subversion property given as the first argument, for a
file. A specific revision
can be specified with -r/--revision.
Interestingly, the generic `git svn` help does mention `propset`.
$ git svn
propget Print the value of a property on a file or directory
--revision, -r <num>
proplist List all properties of a file or directory
--revision, -r <num>
propset Set the value of a property on a file or directory -
will be set on commit
It seems Documentation/git-svn.txt is missing text for `propset`.
Thanks Joseph, indeed it is missing from the manpage.
Alfred / David: either of you have a few cycles to spare to write
a manpage entry for this feature you worked on?
If not, let us know, too, so others can work on it. Thanks.
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