Samuel GROOT <> wrote:
> +++ b/perl/

> +sub parse_email {
> +     my %mail = ();
> +     my $fh = shift;
> +     my $last_header;
> +
> +     # Unfold and parse multiline header fields

When you libify, I suggest you localize $/ since $/
may be set to something other than "\n" by a caller
and change the behavior of <$fh> and $fh->getline.

        local $/ = "\n";

> +     while (<$fh>) {
> +             last if /^\s*$/;
> +             s/\r\n|\n|\r//;

And, as Eric Sunshine stated:


Explicitly localizing $/ means you wouldn't have to worry about
multiple \n showing up in the line, either.
And chomp/chop wouldn't work, here.

Otherwise I like the move to, thanks.
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