On 06/08/2016 07:37 PM, Junio C Hamano wrote:
Samuel GROOT <samuel.gr...@grenoble-inp.org> writes:
+                               printf("Adding cc: %s from From: header\n",
+                                       $1) unless $quiet;

+                                       printf("Adding to: %s from To: 
+                                               $addr) unless $quiet;

+                                       printf("Adding cc: %s from Cc: 
+                                               $addr) unless $quiet;
                                        push @cc, $addr;

+                               printf("Adding cc: %s from Cc: header\n",
+                                       $_) unless $quiet;

These make the end result prettier by not repeating the same address
twice, but is it just me who finds these inexplicable case
differences irritating?  Shouldn't these field references in the
result mirror the field references in the origin of the information?

It makes sense only in the case below...

>> +              printf("Adding cc: %s from From: header\n",
>> +                      $1) unless $quiet;

... because the sender should receive its own copy (at least to avoid breaking threaded view in his mailer) and be cc-ed. By the way, we should cc the sender when sending the cover letter too for the same reason.

But in other cases, it seems pointless to display identical field reference twice.
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