Samuel GROOT <> writes:

> Parsing and processing in send-email is done in the same loop.
> To make the code more maintainable, we create two subroutines:
> - `parse_email` to separate header and body
> - `parse_header` to retrieve data from header

These routines are not specific to git send-email, nor to Git.

Does it make sense to use an external library, like ,
either by depending on it, or by copying it in Git's source tree ?

If not, I think it would be better to introduce an email parsing library
in a dedicated Perl module in perl/ in our source tree, to keep
git-send-email.perl more focused on the "send-email" logic.

> +sub parse_email {
> +     my @header = ();
> +     my @body = ();
> +     my $fh = shift;
> +
> +     # First unfold multiline header fields
> +     while (<$fh>) {
> +             last if /^\s*$/;
> +             if (/^\s+\S/ and @header) {
> +                     chomp($header[$#header]);
> +                     s/^\s+/ /;
> +                     $header[$#header] .= $_;
> +             } else {
> +                     push(@header, $_);
> +             }
> +     }
> +
> +     # Now unfold the message body

Why "unfold"? Don't you mean "split message body into a list of lines"?

> +     while (<$fh>) {
> +             push @body, $_;
> +     }
> +
> +     return (@header, @body);
> +}

Please document your functions. See e.g. perl/ for an example of
what perldoc allows you to do.

This also lacks tests. One advantage of having a clean API is that it
also makes it simpler to do unit-testing. Grep "Test::More" in t/ to see
some existing unit-tests in Perl.

> +     foreach(@_) {

Style: space before (.

> +             if (defined $input_format && $input_format eq 'mbox') {
> +                     if (/^Subject:\s+(.*)$/i) {
> +                             $subject = $1;
> +                     } elsif (/^From:\s+(.*)$/i) {
> +                             $from = $1;

Not sure we need thes if/elsif/ for generic headers. Email::Simple's API
seems much simpler and general: $email->header("From");

> +                             foreach my $addr (parse_address_line($1)) {
> +                                     push @to, $addr;
> +                             }

3 lines for an array concatenation in a high-level language. It looks
like 2 more than needed ;-).

> +                     }
> +
> +             } else {

Useless blank line.

Matthieu Moy
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