Hi Austin,

On Mon, 23 May 2016, Austin English wrote:

> As stated in title, I'd like to see an option to enable GPG signature
> by default.

I see an option was mentioned in the mail's subject line, but no
indication which command you want to assume implicitly that this option
was passed.

Care to elaborate?

> I find this feature very useful and would like to enable it by default
> on my machine, without having to resort to an alias in my ~/.bash_rc.

You probably meant $HOME/.bashrc.

> I asked in #git and checked the git repo, but I didn't see an option
> listed for this.

Since you are already a Git user, why not just use Git itself to
investigate further? It is easy:

1. clone https://github.com/git/git
2. run `git grep show-signature` to figure out where this option is handled
3. open the corresponding file and find out where the flag is stored
4. use `git grep` again to determine whether there is another way to set
   that flag

If there is no other way, why not go the whole nine yards and just come up
with a patch? That is how many, many other improvements were made: users
wanted a certain feature and then just went ahead and made it all happen.

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