Windows does not share Unix' convention that files and directories whose
names start with a dot are hidden. Hence `.git/`, for example, is in
plain view, and caused quite a bit of trouble: some users wanted to peek
inside and did not understand what it contains, others modified files.

There was a stream of bug reports, until Git for Windows introduced the
(opt-out) option to hide at least the .git/ directory by default. The
option is configured via the config setting core.hideDotFiles, with the
possible values false, true and dotGitOnly (the latter being the

This is a heavily version of patches we carried in Git for Windows for
way too long without submitting them upstream.

This iteration addresses Junio's most recent round of concerns.

Johannes Schindelin (2):
  mingw: introduce the 'core.hideDotFiles' setting
  mingw: remove unnecessary definition

 Documentation/config.txt |  6 ++++
 cache.h                  |  7 +++++
 compat/mingw.c           | 74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 compat/mingw.h           |  3 --
 config.c                 |  8 ++++++
 environment.c            |  1 +
 t/          | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++
 t/  | 20 +++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 146 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Interdiff vs v3:

 diff --git a/Documentation/config.txt b/Documentation/config.txt
 index 10c0088..acd0b56 100644
 --- a/Documentation/config.txt
 +++ b/Documentation/config.txt
 @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ core.hideDotFiles::
        (Windows-only) If true, mark newly-created directories and files whose
        name starts with a dot as hidden.  If 'dotGitOnly', only the `.git/`
        directory is hidden, but no other files starting with a dot.  The
 -      default mode is to mark only the `.git/` directory as hidden.
 +      default mode is 'dotGitOnly'.
        If true, this option enables various workarounds to enable


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