On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 9:33 AM, Lars Schneider
<larsxschnei...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> if you're omitting lines from the output. Also, the regex matches
>> against the whole multi-line string. That is, if the file for some
>> reason was ending in '\n\n' instead of just '\n', the '.*' would match
>> almost all content of the pointer file, not just the remains of the
>> preamble. One way to fix this would be to use
>> re.sub(r'Git LFS pointer for [^\n]+\n\n', '', pointerFile)
>> instead.
> In general you are right as "*" is greedy. However, in Python "." matches any
> character except a newline [1]. Therefore I think the regex is correct.

Ah, thanks for pointing that out. Looks ok to me then.

> Nevertheless... thanks for making me read the line again. I forgot to
> assign the pointerFile variable in the version I sent around :-(
> This is how it should be:
> pointerFile = re.sub(r'Git LFS pointer for.*\n\n', '', pointerFile)

Right. Good you've catched that!

Sebastian Schuberth
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