OK, I'm going to open this can of worms...

At what point do we migrate from SHA-1? At this point the cryptoanalysis of SHA-1 is most likely a matter of time.

For existing repositories we will need to have a migration mechanism. Since we can't modify objects without completely invalidating the cryptographic properties, what I would suggest is that we leave the existing objects as is, with a persistent lookup table from SHA-1 to <new hash>, and have that lookup table signed (e.g. GPG) by the person responsible for converting the repository. This freezes the cryptographic status of the existing SHA-1 objects at the time the conversion happens. This is a very good reason to do this before SHA-1 is actually broken In contrast. SHA-2 has been surprisingly resistant to cryptoanalysis, to the point that SHA-3 was motivated by performance and the desire to have a well-tested function based on entirely different principles should a generic attack against the common structure of MD5/SHA-1/SHA-2 would ever be found.


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