Hi Junio,

On Tue, 22 Mar 2016, Junio C Hamano wrote:

> Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schinde...@gmx.de> writes:
> > One of this developer's primary tools to diagnose broken regression
> > tests is to run the test script using 'sh -x t... -i -v' to find out
> > *which* call *actually* demonstrates the symptom.
> >
> > Hence it is pretty counterproductive if the test script behaves
> > differently when being run via 'sh -x', in particular when using
> > test_cmp or test_i18ncmp on redirected stderr.
> >
> > So let's use grep instead of test_cmp/test_i18ncmp to verify that stderr
> > looks as expected.
> In the modern world, I would probably described the problem as
> "tXXXX -i -v -x", though, not "sh -x tXXXX", but they both exhibit
> the same symptom.

Thanks for pointing me to -i -v -x. The introduction of the RHS -x somehow
slipped by me.

> I wonder if "tXXXX -i -v -x" can be made not to contaminate the
> standard error stream of the test, but that would be a larger change
> we probably would not have time for 2.8 final anyway.

Agree, both on "we want to have this" and "after 2.8".

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