Hi Paul,

On Wed, 16 Mar 2016, Paul Tan wrote:

> Even with interactive rebase out-of-bounds,

It is not really "out-of-bounds". It's more like: hold off integrating it
until I'm done with v1 of the rebase--helper that does interactive
rebase's heavy lifting (which should happen pretty soon).

> I don't think it's a dead end though:
> 1. git-rebase--am.sh, git-rebase--merge.sh and git-rebase.sh can be
> rewritten to C, and call git-rebase--interactive.sh externally, like
> what Duy demonstrated in his patch series. The timings show that am
> and merge rebase still benefit, and that way we will be closer to a
> git-rebase in full C.
> 2. git-commit can be libified, so that we can access its functionality
> directly. (sequencer.c runs it once per commit, rebase-interactive
> uses it for squashes etc.)

Both look sound. With 1) I would also suggest a rebase--helper approach,
though. That way, you do not need to break the test suite at all but can
flip the switch at the end of the patch series.

> Or would that be stepping on your toes?

Nope. 2) is related to what I do, but I modified sequencer.c's
run_git_commit() (which uses run_command()). Your plan would make that
even better (although the edit phase is of course not the
performance-critical part that we want to enhance).

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