On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 10:22:43AM +0300, Никита Соболев wrote:
> Robin, thank you for interest.
> I have not seen 'pwstore' before, but I don't like the idea to store
> headers inside the file. As it might break things. But I love the idea
> of groups and access rights. It is a direction I would like to follow.
> Also I like your suggestion about the key's white-list. That's a
> feature I have already planed for the future releases.
Maybe using notes for the ACL metadata would work out, not sure.

> I guess 'pass' was made for a single user. But 'git-secret' was made
> for multiple people. So you can invite someone to share your encrypted
> files and easily remove them. Also, I have noticed that 'pass' stores
> the encrypted files in the separate repository. Well, that's an
> arguable way to go. It has some benefits like: code-repository and
> pass-repository may have different access rights, different people
> involved. But there's a lack in consistency when you have two separate
> repositories.
Yes, 'pass' did start for a single user; and added per-folder access
groups later. It's also that it aims to be a simple secret storage tool
(no random blobs), with an optional Git backing (simply making the
directory versioned), rather than secret-storage-for-any-git-repo.

I included pass also because it has some nice UX (IMO).

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Developer, Infrastructure Lead, Foundation Trustee
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