On 21 February 2016 at 13:12, Moritz Neeb <li...@moritzneeb.de> wrote:
> On 02/20/2016 11:58 PM, Seb wrote:
>> I've recently learnt how to consolidate and clean up the master branch's
>> commit history.  I've squashed/fixuped many commits thinking these would
>> propagate to the children branches with whom it shares the earlier parts
>> of the its history.  However, this is not the case; switching to the
>> child branch still shows the non-rebased (dirty) commit history from
>> master.  Am I misunderstanding something with this?
> [snip]
> Maybe, to get a better understanding, you could use visualization tool
> like "tig" or "gitk" to observe what happens to your commits (hashes)
> and branches (labels) and just play around with some of these operations.


If you have a gui environment, the command
  gitk --all
will show you diagrams that will complement the explanations
others have given you here. You must specify --all to see more
than one branch.

And if you give a branch two names before rebasing one of those
names, then you will easily be able to compare before and after.
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