On 02/15/2016 06:05 AM, Junio C Hamano wrote:
> Moritz Neeb <li...@moritzneeb.de> writes:
>>> You would also want to think about the necessity of strbuf_trim()
>>> here.  Now strbuf_getline() would trim the trailing CR, would we
>>> still need to call strbuf_trim() here?  The code will break if you
>>> just remove the call, but on the other hand, you will realize that
>>> the trimming done by calling it is excessive and unnecessary, once
>>> you inspect the code and learn who writes the file being read here
>>> and how.
>> I am not sure what you mean by excessive: How much can I assume that
>> the input is like expected? The files we are talking about are supposed
>> to be read and written by git only. But could be modified in theory with
>> an editor, right? Then things could break, right? This question maybe holds
>> true for the other patches as well, I still have to look into them.
> These are all good questions you as a Git contributor to be asking
> yourself, and I really like the fact that you are thinking aloud
> here.

Thanks for this feedback I will try to continue this thinking aloud
whenever appropriate.

Sorry by the way for only answering every week - I currently only have
time to work on git during the weekend. What is (assuming familiarity
with the codebase) the expected "cooking"-time of a smaller patch? I'm
sure the answer is "depends", but maybe you can give away some experiences.

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