Stefan Beller <> writes:

> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 3:12 PM, Stefan Beller <> wrote:
>>> Unless you count "I want to write differently from what was
>>> suggested" is a desirable thing to do, I do not see a point in
>>> favouring the above that uses an extra variable and skip_prefix()
>>> over what I gave you as "how about" patch.  But whatever.
>> The skip_prefix was there before, so it stuck there.

Sorry, but I thought this "parsing update strategy" was all new

>> Also it seems a bit more high level to me hence easier to read,
>> (though I am biased). I'll use your suggestion.
> and it doesn't crash when passing in value == NULL.
> (We don't do that currently, just a side observation)

Hmph.  If you pass str==NULL with prefix="!" to what we have below,
I would think the first iteration would try to read from *str and do
a bizarre thing.

static inline int skip_prefix(const char *str, const char *prefix,
                              const char **out)
        do {
                if (!*prefix) {
                        *out = str;
                        return 1;
        } while (*str++ == *prefix++);
        return 0;

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