On 02/10, Matthieu Moy wrote:
> Work on the application itself, and on the list of ideas.

One potential idea:

Make destructive git commands more safe for the user.

Some commands (e.g. git reset --hard, git clean -f, etc.) can
potentially destroy some of the users work.  Store the information
that we are potentially losing somewhere, where it's easily
retrievable by the user.

This should probably be hidden behind a new config variable
(core.iKnowWhatImDoingButIReallyDont or something better), as it has
the potential to really inflate the repository size (when storing
binary files that should be deleted by git clean for example).

It happened more than once that I thought I knew what I was doing, but
would have been really glad if git saved me from my mistakes.

I haven't thought this through much further than just the idea, so it
would be great to hear some opinions on it first.
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