v7 addresses two comments from Junio and Eric in v6 and adds an extra
patch, 12/12, which reuses "icase" variable and avoids recalculating
the same thing (which can't be done before v6). Interdiff

diff --git a/grep.c b/grep.c
index aed4fe0..cb058a5 100644
--- a/grep.c
+++ b/grep.c
@@ -432,22 +432,20 @@ static void compile_regexp(struct grep_pat *p, struct 
grep_opt *opt)
        icase          = opt->regflags & REG_ICASE || p->ignore_case;
        ascii_only     = !has_non_ascii(p->pattern);
-       if ((!icase || ascii_only) && is_fixed(p->pattern, p->patternlen))
-               p->fixed = 1;
-       else if (opt->fixed) {
+       if (opt->fixed) {
                p->fixed = !icase || ascii_only;
                if (!p->fixed) {
                        compile_fixed_regexp(p, opt);
-       } else
+       } else if ((!icase || ascii_only) &&
+                  is_fixed(p->pattern, p->patternlen))
+               p->fixed = 1;
+       else
                p->fixed = 0;
        if (p->fixed) {
-               if (opt->regflags & REG_ICASE || p->ignore_case)
-                       p->kws = kwsalloc(tolower_trans_tbl);
-               else
-                       p->kws = kwsalloc(NULL);
+               p->kws = kwsalloc(icase ? tolower_trans_tbl : NULL);
                kwsincr(p->kws, p->pattern, p->patternlen);
diff --git a/test-regex.c b/test-regex.c
index d1a952c..eff26f5 100644
--- a/test-regex.c
+++ b/test-regex.c
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
        if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--bug"))
                return test_regex_bug();
        else if (argc < 3)
-               die("usage: test-regex --bug\n"
-                   "       test-regex <pattern> <string> [<options>]");
+               usage("test-regex --bug\n"
+                     "test-regex <pattern> <string> [<options>]");
        pat = *argv++;

Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy (12):
  grep: allow -F -i combination
  grep: break down an "if" stmt in preparation for next changes
  test-regex: isolate the bug test code
  test-regex: expose full regcomp() to the command line
  grep/icase: avoid kwsset on literal non-ascii strings
  grep/icase: avoid kwsset when -F is specified
  grep/pcre: prepare locale-dependent tables for icase matching
  gettext: add is_utf8_locale()
  grep/pcre: support utf-8
  diffcore-pickaxe: "share" regex error handling code
  diffcore-pickaxe: support case insensitive match on non-ascii
  grep.c: reuse "icase" variable

 builtin/grep.c                           |  2 +-
 diffcore-pickaxe.c                       | 27 ++++++++----
 gettext.c                                | 24 ++++++++++-
 gettext.h                                |  1 +
 grep.c                                   | 47 +++++++++++++++++----
 grep.h                                   |  1 +
 quote.c                                  | 37 +++++++++++++++++
 quote.h                                  |  1 +
 t/t0070-fundamental.sh                   |  2 +-
 t/t7812-grep-icase-non-ascii.sh (new +x) | 71 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 t/t7813-grep-icase-iso.sh (new +x)       | 19 +++++++++
 test-regex.c                             | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 12 files changed, 270 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 t/t7812-grep-icase-non-ascii.sh
 create mode 100755 t/t7813-grep-icase-iso.sh


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