Hi Robert,

[I am not going to re-Cc: the dropped email addresses; please note that it
is pretty much frowned upon on this mailing list if you do not
reply-to-all and might affect your conversation.]

On Thu, 28 Jan 2016, f...@fuz.su wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 09:31:15PM +0100, René Scharfe wrote:
> > Users can always go back to the original format.  At least I don't
> > expect this new format becoming the default too quickly.

This is the most crucial issue here, as far as I am concerned: there are
already tons of .zip files out there that were created by git archive, and
there will inevitably be loads of tons more *having the current pax header

So tools wanting to deal with Git archives will have to handle those as
well, i.e. do *precisely* as René suggested and use get-tar-commit-id. As
such, the value of changing the format *now* is a bit like closing the
barn's door after pretty much all of the horses left (except the old one
that has a few troubles getting up in the morning but that is too nice to
the kids to shoot).

> Sure thing.  If this is going to be implemented, I would add options
> to choose what / what style of metadata to include.

Why not put your money where your mouth is? I.e. get your head down into
the code and come up with a patch (because otherwise it is unlikely that
your idea will go anywhere)?


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