
I recently compared the results of doing

    $ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/git/git.git git-clone-depth-1


    $ mkdir git-fetch-depth-1
    $ cd git-fetch-depth-1
    $ git init
    $ git remote add origin https://github.com/git/git.git
    $ git fetch --depth=1

and noticed a few things:

1. The docs of clone [1] say about --depth "Create a shallow clone with a 
history truncated to the specified number of revisions" while for fetch the 
docs [2] say "[...] to the specified number of commits [...]". As in this 
particular case revision are always commits, I think the clone docs should also 
say "commits".

2. In the fetch docs --depth is described to "Deepen or shorten the history of 
a shallow repository created by git clone". That sounds as if my example from 
above where I initialze a repo manually would not allow fetch to be called with 
--depth as I did not clone before. But in fact my example works fine. I guess 
we need some clarfication in the wording here.

3. When running "git log --all -oneline" in the two working trees I get 
different results, which is not what I'd expect:

    $ cd git-clone-depth-1
    $ git log --all --oneline
      7548842 Git 2.7


    $ cd git-fetch-depth-1
    $ git log --all --oneline
      b819526 Merge branch 'jk/notes-merge-from-anywhere' into pu
      e2281f4 What's cooking (2016/01 #01)
      ef7b32d Sync with 2.7
      7548842 Git 2.7
      833e482 Git 2.6.5

So in the clone case only the specified number of commits from the tip of the 
default branch (master in this case) is fetched, not of each remote branch 
history. fetch in the other hand really gets the specified number of commits 
from the tip of each remote branch history. I don't know whether this behavior 
is inded or not as I cannot find any docs on it either way. But it seems 
inconsistent to me that clone with --depth only gets the history for the 
default branch, as clone without --depth would give me the history of all 

For completeness, I'm using Git for Windows 2.7.

Any comments?

[1] https://git-scm.com/docs/git-clone
[1] https://git-scm.com/docs/git-fetch

Sebastian Schuberth

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