On Thu, Dec 03, 2015 at 03:14:31PM +0000, Hamann, Kerstin wrote: > Hi, > > I would like to have a list of known issues for Git (Server and Client) in > order to do the risk analysis for Git and Bitbucket usage for a software > project in the medical device development. Where can I find such a list? For > Bitbucket it is easy (go to jira and open the project). > Note: Configuration management tools for software projects in a regulated > environment (IEC62304) have to be validated. That is not a big issue but that > have to be done before a new git version is installed. > > Regards Brita > > --- This communication contains confidential information. If you are not the > intended recipient please return this email to the sender and delete it from > your records. Diese Nachricht enthaelt vertrauliche Informationen. Sollten > Sie nicht der beabsichtigte Empfaenger dieser E-mail sein, senden Sie bitte > diese an den Absender zurueck und loeschen Sie die E-mail aus Ihrem System. > N?????r??y????b?X??ǧv?^?){.n?+????ا???ܨ}???Ơz?&j:+v???????zZ+??+zf???h???~????i???z??w?????????&?)ߢf
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