On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 1:47 AM, Stefan Beller <sbel...@google.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 10:11 AM, Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> Stefan Beller <sbel...@google.com> writes:
>>> +cc Junio, Duy
>>> So cloning from an arbitrary SHA1 is not a new thing I just came up with,
>>> but has been discussed before[1].
>>> Junio wrote on Oct 09, 2014:
>>>> This is so non-standard a thing to do that I doubt it is worth
>>>> supporting with "git clone".  "git clone --branch", which is about
>>> "> I want to follow that particular branch", would not mesh well with
>>>> "I want to see the history that leads to this exact commit", either.
>>>> You would not know which branch(es) is that exact commit is on in
>>>> the first place.
>>> I disagree with this. This is the *exact* thing you actually want to do when
>>> dealing with submodules.
>> Yup, I know, but I do not think the above disagrees with you (read
>> again ;-).  It merely says "--branch" option to "clone" is not a
>> good place to add a new "clone at this single commit" mode of
>> operation.
> Ok. So maybe a bit of bike shedding time:
> How does
>     git clone --detached-head <sha1>


git clone --commit-id <sha1> repo (*)

instead. Detached head is implied, and this way you don't have to
disambiguate sha-1 vs refname. And --commit-id can also be added in
git-fetch. Actually the git-fetch case is even more interesting, what
do we do with refspec..

(*) as usual, we accept committish sha-1, not just comit sha-1, so
--commit-id may be confusing..? Or maybe just go with --tag where we
accept either tag names, tag sha-1 or commit-sha1

> sound? I would imagine that this would either present you with a fresh clone
> with a detached head at the specified sha1, or if the server doesn't support
> getting a specific sha1, it would error out.
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