On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 05:35:06PM +0100, Andreas Krey wrote:

> The code talks about limiting the size
> of the rename matrix, but as far as I
> can see, the matrix itself never exists
> as such, and the only thing that could
> actually overflow is the computation
> for the progress indication. This
> can be fixed by reporting just the
> destinations checked instead of the
> combinations, since we only update
> the progress once per destination
> anyway.

I didn't dig in the archive, but I think we discussed the "just show
progress for destinations" before. The problem you run into is that the
items aren't a good indication of the amount of work. You really are
doing n*m work, so if you just count "m", it can be very misleading if
"n" is high (and vice versa).

Might it make more sense just to move to a larger integer size? Or
perhaps to allow a higher limit for each side as long as the product of
the sides does not overflow?

> And we would also like to see progress when doing
> a cherry pick - in our case this takes a few minutes:
> diff --git a/sequencer.c b/sequencer.c
> index 3c060e0..8fce028 100644
> --- a/sequencer.c
> +++ b/sequencer.c
> @@ -282,6 +282,7 @@ static int do_recursive_merge(struct commit *base, struct 
> commit *next,
>       for (xopt = opts->xopts; xopt != opts->xopts + opts->xopts_nr; xopt++)
>               parse_merge_opt(&o, *xopt);
> +     o.show_rename_progress = isatty(2);
>       clean = merge_trees(&o,
>                           head_tree,

I think that's sensible, for the same reasons that "merge" shows
progress. I suspect the patch you show above catches "git revert", too,
but if not, it should probably get the same treatment.

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