Jacob Keller <jacob.kel...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 9:20 AM, Ronny Borchert <mister...@web.de> wrote:
>> I was trying to clone a bare repository. Not sure why I did, maybe
>> description on website was wrong.
>> My try:
>> git --bare clone https://github.....
>> This was leading in creating a none bare repository! No error or warning
>> message here!
>> I guess this behavior is also for other --xxx commands.
> This is how the git options work. Options before a command word are
> always ignored.

No, they are not ignored. For example

$ git --foobar init
Unknown option: --foobar

=> the option is processed, and rejected explicitly.

But as you say, options before the command word apply to "git", not to
the particular command. The case of --bare is a bit unfortunate: both
"git" and "git clone" accept a --bare option, with a different meaning
(read "man git" to find what the first does).

So, I wouldn't call the current behavior a really good one, but it's the
documented behavior.

It would be nice to warn in this case though: I don't see any use for
"git --bare clone".

Matthieu Moy
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