On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 12:23 AM, Jacob Keller <jacob.kel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 2:14 PM, Johan Herland <jo...@herland.net> wrote:
>> A related topic that has been discussed (although I cannot remember if
>> any conclusion was reached) is whether to allow more notes operations
>> - specifically _read-only_ operations - on notes trees outside
>> refs/notes/. I believe this should also become possible, although I
>> haven't thoroughly examined all implications.
> This was discussed at some point on one of the versions of my patch.
> The tricky part is in how to get it implemented correctly.
> We need to be able to correctly handle DWIM logic for things, and
> ensure that what we're operating on actually looks "note-like" since
> we don't really want to perform read-only ops on refs that don't hold
> notes like objects.

I believe read-only operations on non-notes trees is harmless
(although suboptimal). When reading in a notes tree, the notes code
maintains non-note entries in a sorted linked list. Only paths that
contain exactly 40 hex characters (modulo '/') ends up as "notes"
(i.e. false positives). The rest ends up in the non-notes list. The
overwhelming majority of non-notes trees will have no "notes" in them
(zero false positives).

For those few trees that do contain note-like paths: since we never
write out the tree again, we don't end up corrupting the non-notes
tree itself (which would typically look like changing the "fanout" of
note-like paths, e.g. moving 'de/adbeef...' to 'deadbeef...'). Hence,
the only damage we can get from reading in a non-notes tree depend on
what we subsequently do with the "notes" information read from that

Again, since the number of "notes" read from a non-notes tree is
typically zero, the subsequent damage is typically, also, zero.

For "git notes merge", false positives from a non-notes tree are
merged into the first (proper) notes tree.

For "git log --notes", false positives end up being displayed as part
of the output. Note that here, a false positive must not only match
the above criteria (40 hex chars, modulo '/'), but must also correctly
name a commit that occurs in the log.

Are there other cases where a false positive would wreak considerable havoc?

Additionally, if we suspect that passing non-notes trees to read-only
operations will be a common error, we could add a simple heuristic to
the notes code, to warn (or even abort) if we strongly suspect that we
are reading in a non-notes tree. For example, if the ratio of
non-notes to notes entries goes above, say, 1:1 (or even 10:1), then
what we're reading is probably not a proper notes tree...


Johan Herland, <jo...@herland.net>
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