Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

> Adding the third variant in the way this patch does is making things
> worse by inviting more mistakes.
> How about doing something like the attached to consolidate the
> existing two into one, and then build this third one on top?

Actually, I think this other variant I came up with is cleaner and
is more easily extensible.  It already has the support for sigpipe,
e.g. you can do

        test_must_fail ok=sigpipe git fetch ...

Of course, you can do

        test_must_fail_or_sigpipe () {
                test_must_fail ok=sigpipe "$@"

if it is easier to read.  I do not have a very strong opinion either

 t/test-lib-functions.sh | 28 +++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/t/test-lib-functions.sh b/t/test-lib-functions.sh
index e8d3c0f..b732f87 100644
--- a/t/test-lib-functions.sh
+++ b/t/test-lib-functions.sh
@@ -560,11 +560,26 @@ test_line_count () {
 # the failure could be due to a segv.  We want a controlled failure.
 test_must_fail () {
+       case "$1" in
+       ok=*)
+               _test_ok=${1#ok=}
+               shift
+               ;;
+       *)
+               _test_ok=
+               ;;
+       esac
-       if test $exit_code = 0; then
+       if ! case ",$_test_ok," in *,success,*) false;; esac &&
+          test $exit_code = 0
+       then
                echo >&2 "test_must_fail: command succeeded: $*"
                return 1
+       elif ! case ",$_test_ok," in *,sigpipe,*) false;; esac &&
+          test $exit_code = 141
+       then
+               return 0
        elif test $exit_code -gt 129 && test $exit_code -le 192; then
                echo >&2 "test_must_fail: died by signal: $*"
                return 1
@@ -590,16 +605,7 @@ test_must_fail () {
 # because we want to notice if it fails due to segv.
 test_might_fail () {
-       "$@"
-       exit_code=$?
-       if test $exit_code -gt 129 && test $exit_code -le 192; then
-               echo >&2 "test_might_fail: died by signal: $*"
-               return 1
-       elif test $exit_code = 127; then
-               echo >&2 "test_might_fail: command not found: $*"
-               return 1
-       fi
-       return 0
+       test_must_fail ok=success "$@"
 # Similar to test_must_fail and test_might_fail, but check that a

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