2015-10-12 14:30 GMT+08:00 Aleksey Komarov <leee...@gmail.com>:
> Hi all!
> I'm sorry if the letter came twice. I have troubles with my post client.
> I want to organize my repository so its submodules would be located at the 
> root
> of repository. I'm trying to create .gitignore to ignore all files and don't
> ignore directories at the same time:
> $ cat .gitignore
> *
> !*/
> Now, I'm trying to add a submodule to my repository, but fail to understand 
> why
> my .gitignore prevents it from being added. I use the following command to 
> check
> if my submodule will be ignored or not:
> $ git add --dry-run --ignore-missing c/
> I have noticed that result of this check is different when directory c/ 
> already
> exists and when it still doesn't by the time of the check.
> The described behavior is illustrated by the following example:
> $ mkdir git_test
> $ cd git_test
> $ git init
> Initialized empty Git repository in D:/temp/git_test/.git/
> $ echo \* >> .gitignore
> $ echo \!\*\/ >> .gitignore
> $ git add --dry-run --ignore-missing c/
> The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files:
> c/
> Use -f if you really want to add them.
> $ mkdir c
> $ git add --dry-run --ignore-missing c/
> $

To check how an entry (c/) is affected by .gitignore in different cases,
you can try this command:

    $ git check-ignore -v c/
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