Hello there.

I'm using a bash function that does a combination of 'ls -l', 'git status', and 
'git branch'
to give me a quick overview of where I stand in the current git repo.

I planned to extend that function to also list the to-be-pushed commits in the
current branch, something like 

$ git log --oneline --abbrev-commit --decorate @{u}..

But I don't want to run that 'git log...' if there's no upstream configured
for HEAD (and I don't want to see any error!)

OK. That's a task for 'git rev-parse' I thought:

$ up=$(git rev-parse --verify --quiet @{u}) &&
  git log --left-right --oneline --abbrev-commit --decorate $up
fatal: no upstream configured for branch 'master'

Wait. What?

I thought rev-parse with '--verify' and '--quiet' is just that - quiet -
in case "...the first argument is not a valid object name" ?

Let's see:
$ git rev-parse --verify --quiet master@{xyz} || echo No

$ git rev-parse --verify --quiet master@{u} || echo No
fatal: no upstream configured for branch 'master'

I don't want to see that error (and I know I could just redirect stdout/stderr 
to /dev/null ...)

So: Are my expectations about 'rev-parse --verify --quiet' wrong or am I doing
something stupid ?

/dev/random says: Disclaimer: Written by a highly caffeinated mammal.
python -c "print 
GPG Key fingerprint = 2DF5 E01B 09C3 7501 BCA9  9666 829B 49C5 9221 27AF

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