On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 5:09 PM, Jack Adrian Zappa
<adrianh....@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is a weird one:
> [file-1 begin]
> abcd efg hijklmnop
> [file-1 end]
> [file-2 begin]
> blah blah blah
> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> abdc boo ya!
> [file-2 end]
> Do a diff between these and it won't find any difference.
> Same with the following two lines, each in a different file:
> sabc fed ghi jkl
> abc def ghi jkl
> I first noticed this on the command line git and then in VS2013.  The
> original problem was like my first example.  The files were much
> longer, but all that git would see is the addition of the line of
> ////..., but not the removal of the original line.
> I've tried some other simple file changes with similar results.
> Something seems to be definitely broken in git diff. :(
> Command line version of git is 1.9.5 msysgit.0.
> A

BTW, I've upgraded to git version 2.5.3.windows.1 and the problem
still persists.

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