On Mon, Sep 07, 2015 at 02:51:42PM -0300, Renato Botelho wrote:

> Default variables used to build are set using = on Makefile, (e.g. CC,
> INSTALL, CFLAGS, …). GNU make overwrite these values if it’s passed as
> an argument (make CC=clang) and it works as expected.
> Default method of passing arguments for make operations on FreeBSD
> ports tree is using environment variables instead of make arguments,
> then we have CC set on env before call gmake. Today these values are
> ignored by git Makefile, and we ended up patching Makefile replacing =
> by ?= on variable assignments [1].

Hmm. I can't really think of a downside to doing so, unless we expect
users to have things like CC set in the environment and _not_ want them
to bleed through to our build.

But doesn't "gmake -e" solve your problem without a patch?

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