Stéphane Graber <> writes:

> Hello,
> I've recently switched my home network to be IPv6-only, using NAT64 and
> DNS64 to reach IPv4 hosts. Pretty much everything I use day to day just
> kept on working fine, but I keep finding some small problems here and
> there, mostly to do with perl software.
> One of those is git-send-email which isn't capable of talking to an IPv6
> SMTP server.
> I've locally patched my git-send-email to add:
>     require Net::INET6Glue::INET_is_INET6;
> This seems to be the magic bullet for all IPv6 problems I've had with
> perl software, though I'm not sure whether this is an acceptable fix
> upstream as this does bring an additional dependency to git-send-email.

I wonder what happens if you 'require' that Glue on a host that is
not IPv6-only.

What I am trying to get at is if what that Glue thing does is an
acceptable thing to do in the Net::* Perl modules (e.g. Net::SMTP
and Net::SMTP::SSL that we use), i.e., what INET6Glue does to work
around issues in Net::* is a problem Net::* Perl modules should be
solving for the users of these modules.

After all, it is madness to ask all packages that use Net::*
infrastructure, like git-send-email, to 'require' an extra module.

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