Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

> Dave Borowitz <dborow...@google.com> writes:
>> The issue is that if both _ALWAYS and _IF_POSSIBLE are set,
>> git_transport_push interprets it as _ALWAYS. But, we are also supposed
>> to prefer explicit command-line options to config values.
>> Suppose we parsed config first, then options. If the user has
>> push.signed = always and and passes --signed-if-possible, then the end
>> result is (_ALWAYS | _IF_POSSIBLE), aka always,...
> Doesn't that merely suggest that the option parsing is implemented
> incorrectly?  Why is --signed-if-possible just ORing its bits into
> the flag, instead of clearing and setting?

That is, "git config alias.myp push --sign=if-asked" followed by

    $ git myp --sign=no

would internally expand to

    $ git push --sign=if-asked --sign=no

and the result should follow the usual "last one wins" rule.

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