Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

> Perhaps add
> "test_clone_dir ssh://user:passw@rd@host/ host"
> here?  How is this expected to be parsed?

For completeness, here is what I think the end result (together with
Peff's series) of the test should look like.

The first hunk is merely style.  We could drop 'in "$@"' from there
and some people may argue that it would be more obvious, but I think
being explict is fine.

As to the second hunk:

 - the first batch is for "trailing slash removal" for scp-like

 - the second batch is for "omitting path should default to host" for
   the same;

 - the third batch is for "omitting authentication material" for the

Note that ssh://user:passw@rd@host:1234/ and user:passw@rd@host:/
tests fail for the same reason (finding @ should be greedy, I think).

 t/t5603-clone-dirname.sh | 14 +++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/t/t5603-clone-dirname.sh b/t/t5603-clone-dirname.sh
index 27dbd6c..4897ea8 100755
--- a/t/t5603-clone-dirname.sh
+++ b/t/t5603-clone-dirname.sh
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ test_clone_dir () {
-       for i in "$@"; do
+       for i in "$@"
+       do
                case "$i" in
@@ -61,12 +62,23 @@ test_clone_dir ssh://host/foo/ foo
 test_clone_dir ssh://host/foo.git/ foo
 test_clone_dir ssh://host/foo/.git/ foo
+test_clone_dir host:foo/ foo
+test_clone_dir host:foo.git/ foo
+test_clone_dir host:foo/.git/ foo
 # omitting the path should default to the hostname
 test_clone_dir ssh://host/ host
 test_clone_dir ssh://host:1234/ host
 test_clone_dir ssh://user@host/ host
+test_clone_dir host:/ host
+# auth materials should be redacted
 test_clone_dir ssh://user:password@host/ host
 test_clone_dir ssh://user:password@host:1234/ host
+test_clone_dir ssh://user:passw@rd@host:1234/ host
+test_clone_dir user@host:/ host
+test_clone_dir user:password@host:/ host
+test_clone_dir user:passw@rd@host:/ host
 # trailing port-like numbers should not be stripped for paths
 test_clone_dir ssh://user:password@host/test:1234 1234
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