On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 1:32 PM, Gaurav Chhabra <varuag.chha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I had written the following code to check whether a push is for branch 
> deletion:
> #!/bin/bash
> NULL="0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
>     if [[ "$new_sha" -eq "$NULL" ]]; then   # Line 17
> remote: Stdin: [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000]
> [9226289d2416af4cb7365d7aaa5e382bdb3d9a89] [refs/heads/rel-a]
> remote:
> remote: hooks/pre-receive: line 17: [[:
> 9226289d2416af4cb7365d7aaa5e382bdb3d9a89: value too great for base
> (error token is "922628
> 9d2416af4cb7365d7aaa5e382bdb3d9a89")
> Although the new branch gets pushed to remote but i'm not sure why i'm
> getting this error and how can i fix it. I checked online and i get
> few links where folks had similar issue but in each such case, the
> error token was 08 or 09. I still tried the suggestion of using "10#"
> in front of my $new_sha variable but to no avail.
> Any suggestions?

Yes, try using the string comparison '=' operator rather than the
numeric comparison operator '-eq'.

    if [[ "$new_sha" = "$NULL" ]]; then
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