Quoting John Keeping <j...@keeping.me.uk>:

On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 01:24:03PM +0200, SZEDER Gábor wrote:

Quoting Thomas Braun <thomas.br...@virtuell-zuhause.de>:

Signed-off-by: Thomas Braun <thomas.br...@virtuell-zuhause.de>
John Keeping <j...@keeping.me.uk> hat am 13. Juli 2015 um 15:11
git-rebase.sh contains:

        if test "$action" = "edit-todo" && test "$type" != "interactive"
                die "$(gettext "The --edit-todo action can only be used during

I wonder if it's worth doing a similar check here, which presumably
means testing if "$dir"/interactive exists.

Good point. Thanks for the hint.

Perhaps the subject line could say "completion: offer '--edit-todo'
during interactive rebase" to be a bit more specific.

contrib/completion/git-completion.bash | 6 +++++-
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
index c97c648..b03050e 100644
--- a/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
+++ b/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
@@ -1668,7 +1668,11 @@ _git_rebase ()
        local dir="$(__gitdir)"
        if [ -d "$dir"/rebase-apply ] || [ -d "$dir"/rebase-merge ]; then
-               __gitcomp "--continue --skip --abort"
+               if [ -d "$dir"/interactive ]; then

This doesn't work for me, I think it looks for the right file at the
wrong place.  During an interactive rebase I have no
'.git/interactive' file but a '.git/rebase-merge/interactive', so I
never get '--edit-todo'.

Just noticed another issue here: it looks for a directory, though it should look for a file.

After some playing around and a cursory look at the source it seems to
me that I have '.git/rebase-apply' during a "regular" rebase and
'.git/rebase-merge' during an interactive rebase, and git-rebase.sh
checks the presence of the 'interactive' file only in
'.git/rebase-merge'.  It's not clear to me yet whether it's possible
to have a '.git/rebase-merge' without the file 'interactive' in it.
If it is possible, then I'd like to know with which commands and under
what circumstances.  If it isn't, then we wouldn't have to look for
the file at all, because checking the presence of the directory would
be enough.

"git rebase --merge" will use ".git/rebase-merge" without creating the
"interactive" flag.

Oh, right, thanks.  I should have remembered, I wrote the test of the
prompt script for that case...
(On a related note: is it possible to have a '.git/rebase-apply'
directory, but neither 'rebasing' or 'applying' files within?  The
prompt script has a long if-elif chain with such a branch, and I
remember wondering how I could trigger it for testing.)

Anyway, so this could be something like (modulo likely whitespace damage):

diff --git a/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
index 07c34ef913..fac01d6985 100644
--- a/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
+++ b/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
@@ -1667,7 +1667,10 @@ _git_push ()
  _git_rebase ()
        local dir="$(__gitdir)"
-       if [ -d "$dir"/rebase-apply ] || [ -d "$dir"/rebase-merge ]; then
+       if [ -f "$dir"/rebase-merge/interactive ]; then
+               __gitcomp "--continue --skip --abort --edit-todo"
+               return
+       elif [ -d "$dir"/rebase-apply ] || [ -d "$dir"/rebase-merge ]; then
                __gitcomp "--continue --skip --abort"


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