(I haven't been able to do more debugging yet,
but this doesn't fully work on my Mac OS X box:)

Initialized empty Git repository in
# lib-gettext: Found 'is_IS.UTF-8' as an is_IS UTF-8 locale
# lib-gettext: Found 'is_IS.ISO8859-1' as an is_IS ISO-8859-1 locale
expecting success:
    printf "TILRAUN: Halló Heimur!" >file &&
    git add file &&
    LC_ALL="$is_IS_locale" &&
    export LC_ALL

ok 1 - setup

expecting success:
    git grep -i "TILRAUN: Halló Heimur!" &&
    git grep -i "TILRAUN: HALLÓ HEIMUR!"

file:TILRAUN: Halló Heimur!
not ok 2 - grep literal string, no -F
#        git grep -i "TILRAUN: Halló Heimur!" &&
#        git grep -i "TILRAUN: HALLÓ HEIMUR!"

skipping test: grep pcre utf-8 icase
    git grep --perl-regexp    "TILRAUN: H.lló Heimur!" &&
    git grep --perl-regexp -i "TILRAUN: H.lló Heimur!" &&
    git grep --perl-regexp -i "TILRAUN: H.LLÓ HEIMUR!"

ok 3 # skip grep pcre utf-8 icase (missing LIBPCRE of GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE)

skipping test: grep pcre utf-8 string with "+"
    printf "TILRAUN: Hallóó Heimur!" >file2 &&
    git add file2 &&
    git grep -l --perl-regexp "TILRAUN: H.lló+ Heimur!" >actual &&
    echo file >expected &&
    echo file2 >>expected &&
    test_cmp expected actual

ok 4 # skip grep pcre utf-8 string with "+" (missing LIBPCRE of

expecting success:
    git grep --debug -i -F "TILRAUN: Halló Heimur!"  2>&1 >/dev/null |
         grep fixed >debug1 &&
    echo "fixedTILRAUN: Halló Heimur!" >expect1 &&
    test_cmp expect1 debug1 &&

    git grep --debug -i -F "TILRAUN: HALLÓ HEIMUR!"  2>&1 >/dev/null |
         grep fixed >debug2 &&
    echo "fixedTILRAUN: HALLÓ HEIMUR!" >expect2 &&
    test_cmp expect2 debug2

ok 5 - grep literal string, with -F

expecting success:
    printf "^*TILR^AUN:.* \\Halló \$He[]imur!\$" >file &&

    git grep --debug -i -F "^*TILR^AUN:.* \\Halló \$He[]imur!\$" 2>&1 
>/dev/null |
         grep fixed >debug1 &&
    echo "fixed\\^*TILR^AUN:\\.\\* \\\\Halló \$He\\[]imur!\\\$" >expect1 &&
    test_cmp expect1 debug1 &&

    git grep --debug -i -F "^*TILR^AUN:.* \\HALLÓ \$HE[]IMUR!\$"  2>&1 
>/dev/null |
         grep fixed >debug2 &&
    echo "fixed\\^*TILR^AUN:\\.\\* \\\\HALLÓ \$HE\\[]IMUR!\\\$" >expect2 &&
    test_cmp expect2 debug2

--- expect1    2015-07-14 16:38:22.000000000 +0000
+++ debug1    2015-07-14 16:38:22.000000000 +0000
@@ -1 +1 @@
-fixed\^*TILR^AUN:\.\* \Halló $He\[]imur!\$
+fixed\^*TILR^AUN:\.\* \\Halló $He\[]imur!\$
not ok 6 - grep string with regex, with -F
#        printf "^*TILR^AUN:.* \\Halló \$He[]imur!\$" >file &&
#        git grep --debug -i -F "^*TILR^AUN:.* \\Halló \$He[]imur!\$" 2>&1
>/dev/null |
#             grep fixed >debug1 &&
#        echo "fixed\\^*TILR^AUN:\\.\\* \\\\Halló \$He\\[]imur!\\\$" >expect1 &&
#        test_cmp expect1 debug1 &&
#        git grep --debug -i -F "^*TILR^AUN:.* \\HALLÓ \$HE[]IMUR!\$"  2>&1
>/dev/null |
#             grep fixed >debug2 &&
#        echo "fixed\\^*TILR^AUN:\\.\\* \\\\HALLÓ \$HE\\[]IMUR!\\\$" >expect2 &&
#        test_cmp expect2 debug2

expecting success:
    git commit -m first &&
    git log --format=%f -i -S"TILRAUN: HALLÓ HEIMUR!" >actual &&
    echo first >expected &&
    test_cmp expected actual

[master (root-commit) e6052d5] first
 Author: A U Thor <aut...@example.com>
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 file
--- expected    2015-07-14 16:38:22.000000000 +0000
+++ actual    2015-07-14 16:38:22.000000000 +0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
not ok 7 - pickaxe -i on non-ascii
#        git commit -m first &&
#        git log --format=%f -i -S"TILRAUN: HALLÓ HEIMUR!" >actual &&
#        echo first >expected &&
#        test_cmp expected actual

# failed 3 among 7 test(s)

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