This is sort of like a standard identity, except that RFC 4880 section
4.11 allows any UTF-8 text in the User ID packet. It is trivial to get
gpg to pass arbitrary text when generating a push cert by setting
user.signingKey to that arbitrary value (assuming it is an actual user
ID associated with that key).

Signed-off-by: Dave Borowitz <>
 Documentation/technical/pack-protocol.txt | 14 +++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/technical/pack-protocol.txt 
index 2d8b1a1..de3c72c 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/pack-protocol.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/pack-protocol.txt
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ references.
   push-cert         = PKT-LINE("push-cert" NUL capability-list LF)
                      PKT-LINE("certificate version 0.1" LF)
-                     PKT-LINE("pusher" SP ident LF)
+                     PKT-LINE("pusher" SP push-cert-ident LF)
                      PKT-LINE("pushee" SP url LF)
                      PKT-LINE("nonce" SP nonce LF)
@@ -502,6 +502,8 @@ references.
                      *PKT-LINE(gpg-signature-lines LF)
                      PKT-LINE("push-cert-end" LF)
+  push-cert-ident   = 1*(UTF8) SP ["-"] 1*(DIGIT) SP ["-"|"+"] 1*(DIGIT)
   packfile          = "PACK" 28*(OCTET)
@@ -540,8 +542,14 @@ Note that (unlike other portions of the protocol), all LFs 
in the
 Currently, the following header fields are defined:
 `pusher` ident::
-       Identify the GPG key in "Human Readable Name <email@address>"
-       format.
+       Identity of the GPG key. This is similar to the identify found
+       elsewhere, such as the author/committer field in commit headers,
+       in that it consists of a name portion, a timestamp, and a
+       timezone offset. However, unlike normal git identities, the name
+       field may be any valid OpenPGP User ID, which is any valid UTF-8
+       string. (By convention this matches the form:
+       "Human Readable Name (optional comment) <email@address>"
+       but this is only a convention.)
 `pushee` url::
        The repository URL (anonymized, if the URL contains

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