This is the last message I received in the series, and it's labeled 07/10. Is 
that normal?

> parse_address_line had not the same behavior whether the user had

had not -> did not have

> I've added the function in as suggested. I've also added a test
> named (I've read the README to name tests but I'm
> not sure about the name of this test). I made a separated test
> ( because I think it's better not to pollute
> t9001-send-email with this.

Sounds good to me.

> About the test itself, file t/ is just a copy/paste
> of t/ For the perl part, the TODO tests are
> verbose: they print out commands whereas test_expect_success doesn't.

It seems it's how Test::More works. I'd keep it like this, but I have no real 
experience with Test::More.

> We can redirect todo_output to a variable but I've not found better...
> (Maybe someone has the solution here ?). Also there's no summary at
> the end of the test (as with other perl tests).

You can get the 1..44 at the end with

printf "1..%d\n", Test::More->builder->current_test;

This is what t9700/ does.

> diff --git a/perl/ b/perl/
> index 9026a7b..97633e9 100644
> --- a/perl/
> +++ b/perl/
> @@ -1584,6 +1584,73 @@ sub DESTROY {
>       $self->_close_cat_blob();
>  }
> +=item parse_mailboxes
> +
> +Returns an array of mailboxes extracted from a string.

Imperative tone => Return, not Returns.

I would have put parse_mailbox near ident_person because both functions are 
somehow about email.

> +BEGIN { use_ok('Git') }
> +BEGIN { use_ok('Mail::Address') }

This will fail if Mail::Address is not available. It would be better to declare 
Mail::Address as a prerequisite in (like what you're already 
doing for Test::More).

Good job, modulo these minor details, the series looks good to me.

Matthieu Moy
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