Brian Vandenberg <> writes:

> Would you be less doubtful about adding a lower-level hook for
> update-ref?  Or in lieu of that, a config option that can affect the
> behavior of its "-m" and "-d" options?

Not really.

Those who want to bypass your policy can use "vi .git/packed-refs"
and/or "rm .git/refs/heads/foo"; you would not propose to patch "rm"
and "vi" to pay attention to git configuration, because they are not
about "git" at all, and there are cases where these bare-metal level
editing of repositories is necessary.  You would instead tell them
"don't do that".

When I say "update-ref is a low-level plumbing command that should
not enforce policy", I am suggesting you to treat the command just
like you would treat "rm" and "vi".
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