On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 11:21 AM,  <hack...@suddenlink.net> wrote:
> Thanks folks, I am digesting all you have said.

I did not intend to answer your original question, but to start a
discussion on the
feasibility of a dedicated "git lock" command.

There are lots of things which are checked in alongside the code
(The code is which is why you want to use Git in the first place),
such as Graphics, CAD, design documents (maybe in binary format such as ODF,
MS Excel).

All I did was proposing a new command and laying out its behavior.
By being careful at what to use as the porcelain command line and what to use
as a stable plumbing command, other programs could rely on that.
(Some proprietary CAD tools such as Altium have a subversion
integration [1], maybe Git wants to offer an easy interface to allow
for Git integration as easily?)

> Now the command line I can do (I'm a programmer) but the secretary here I 
> doubt.
> So is there at GUI interface for this? Does it work on Windows systems?

As all I was saying is dreaming out new concepts, there is currently no code.

> Thanks,
> Paul

[1] http://techdocs.altium.com/display/ADOH/Version+Control+and+Altium+Designer
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