Johannes Schindelin venit, vidit, dixit 26.05.2015 14:35:
> Hi Paul,
> On 2015-05-26 14:20, Paul Smith wrote:
>> On Tue, 2015-05-26 at 11:53 +0200, Johannes Schindelin wrote:
>>> The biggest problem with `mklink` is that it is only supported on
>>> Windows Vista and later, while I really like to keep Windows XP
>>> support in Git for Windows.
>> No, the biggest problem with mklink is that you have to have
>> administrative privileges to use it... from wikipedia:
> It is even worse than that, as you pointed out below: administrators *can* 
> permit non-administrators to create and use of symbolic links.
> However, from a maintainer's perspective (which is my role in this thread), 
> the compatibility problem is an even worse problem than the permissions.
>>> The default security settings in Windows Vista/Windows 7 disallow
>>> non-elevated administrators and all non-administrators from creating
>>> symbolic links. This behavior can be changed running "secpol.msc" the
>>> Local Security Policy management console (under: Security Settings
>>> \Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\Create symbolic links). It can
>>> be worked around by starting cmd.exe with Run as administrator option
>>> or the runas command.
>> Except even that is not so simple, as various StackOverflow questions
>> and answers will show (I have to run so I can't look them up now).  I
>> did try to get this to work a year or so ago, and although I'm in no way
>> a Windows person (so maybe someone else would have better luck) I
>> couldn't get it to work.
> For what it is worth, I tried my hand a couple of years ago at the project to 
> move git-new-workdir to use the `.git` *file* and alternates mechanisms, but 
> that does not work because you really need a separate `.git/HEAD`.
> Ciao,
> Johannes

Isn't that basically the approach that "git checkout --to" is taking? Is
that one "Windows proof"? I've lost track of its status, though.

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