Roberto Tyley <> writes:

> Here's what a user does:
> * create a PR on
> * logs into with GitHub auth

Hmm, this seems to request too much authorization, though.

    Public only
    This application will be able to read and write all public repo
    data. This includes the following:

    Pull requests
    Webhooks and services
    Deploy keys

I really wanted to try this out, but I do not think, as the owner of
a reasonably important repository, it would be irresponsible for me
to grant write access to Code or Settings for my primary GitHub
account.  Also I think you reject an account that is too young (I
found out about submitGit via your comment on a pull request to
git/git and read its source before reading your message I am
responding to, and that was the impression I got from the recent log
messages there), so I cannot create and try with a throw-away
account, either.

That would mean that I cannot join the fun X-<.

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