Hi all,


I want to use subtrees in one of my projects and I use method desribed here 
I`m facing issues when merging subtree in my subproject in case some files have 
been removed from the subtree.

I`m running git 1.9.1 on Kubuntu  14.04
sub_project is integrated as subtree in my main project. I modify a file and 
remove an other file from my sub_project, commit the modification, go in my 
main_project, checkout the sub_project integration branch, pull the 
I see the modification of the modified file and the deletion of the removed 
I checkout the master branch of my main project.
git diff-tree -p sub_project_branch indicate that one file has been modified 
and one files has been deleted
then I perform a merge of my subtree integration branch into master branch.

I was expecting to see the in master the modification of the file and the 
deletion of the other file but the removed file is still there and tracked. The 
modification of file has been done but It looks like the deletion has not been 
The test case can be reproduced using run_subtree.sh attached script 

The behaviour I expect is the same that the one illustrated in run.sh which 
perform exactly the same actions excepted they are done in a branch instead of 
a subtree:
toto should have been modified, tata should no more be there or at least no 
more be tracked

According to what I see it seems that the subtree merge is doing a kind of copy 
instead of a real merge meaning that if source file disappear then the 
corresponding target file is untouched instead of being deleted.
Is this behaviour correct or is it my understanding of what subtree merge 
should do that is wrong ?

Thanks by advance

PS : as my subtree prefix has 2 levels I also test with a single level like in 
subtree tutorial to ensure this was not the cause of my issue but the problem 
remains the same. the single level test is performed by run_simple_subtree.sh

Attachment: run.sh
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: run_subtree.sh
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: run_simple_subtree.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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