On Sat, 2015-03-28 at 15:31 +0100, Kevin D wrote: 
> What you are losing on clone is:
> * config settings (this includes the configures remotes)
> * hooks
that would be okay...

> * reflog (history of refs, though, by default disabled for bare
>   repositories)
is there a way to get this copied?

> * Stashes, because the reference to them is stored in the reflog
> * unreferenced objects (though you said those are not a requirement, it
>   is still something that is lost)
that would be okay for me either.

> git clone --mirror is used for repositories that regularly get updates
> from the repositories they were cloned from. Though this is not what you
> want, it's not difficult to reset the refspecs to the default refspecs.
What do you mean here? What would I need to reset exactly?

> git clone --mirror is the closest you are going to get by only using
> git.
I see, thanks :)

> So to summarize, git clone is only used for cloning history, which means
> objects and refs, the rest is not part of cloning. To get more, you have
> to go outside git.

Thanks :)

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