On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 11:43 PM, Randall S. Becker
<rsbec...@nexbridge.com> wrote:
>> On March 15, 2015 6:19 PM Christian Couder wrote:
> <snip>
>> Just one suggestion on the name and half a comment.
>> How would "Git Review" (or "Git Monthly Review", or replace your favourite
>> "how-often-per-period-ly" in its name) sound?  I meant it to sound similar
> to
>> academic journals that summarize and review contemporary works in the
> field
>> and keeps your original "pun" about our culture around "patch reviews".

I would be ok for that but there is already this Gerrit related command:


Maybe I can just use "Git Rev", but it doesn't tell that it is about news?

> If I may humbly offer the suggestion that "Git Blame" would be a far more
> appropriate pun as a name :)

You don't want me to steal Junio's blog title:


don't you?
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