Christian Couder <> writes:

> I don't want to write again about each of these points now. I am more
> interested in discussing a good strategy to try to revert the sad
> trend of Git developers being promoted less and less, because I think
> that it is really very important.

I would suspect that those who agree with you would appreciate if
you or somebody volunteered to act as our CKDO (chief kudos
distribution officer).  I do not think I have enough time to do that
well.  One good place to start might be to scan the list and
summarize something like the following on weekly or monthly basis,
as these are not something you can get by pointing people to "git
shortlog" output.

 - Those who gave helpful review comments, "how about going this
   way" illustration patches, etc.  Bonus points to those who helped
   onboarding newcomers.

 - Those who asked pertinent questions on common pain points, and
   those who answered them helpfully.

If you are more ambitious, the source of the kudos may want to cover
activities outside of this mailing list (e.g. giving talks and
tutorials at conferences, etc.).

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