On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 10:26 PM, Siamak Nooraei <siamakn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am taking an online data science  course for which I am required to 
> download Git.
> When I go to the Git's site, I can only download Git 2.2.1 Maverick. Also, 
> when I check in my CLI, it says "git version 1.9.3 (Apple Git-50)."

The Mac, or OS X, ships with a pre-installed version of Git. I believe
it is located in /usr/bin/git. Now if you study your $PATH variable,
you'll notice that /usr/bin comes before the path where you installed
the more recent Git 2.2.1. I may not be doing too good of a job
explaining how this works here, so please read [1] instead, or google
for more updated answers (I don't have a Mac in front of me).

> I need to download a version of Git that is compatible with Apple Yosemite 
> 10.10.2. Please help. Thank you very much.

You should be able to use the version of Git that came installed for
most purposes. Newer is better, of course, but Git 1.9.3 is fairly

[1] https://groups.google.com/d/msg/git-users/rgRB1KkExD0/dje3ydV3qwcJ
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