On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 12:20:02AM +0200, Max Kirillov wrote:
> If several gitk instances are closed simultaneously, safestuff procedure
> can run at the same time, resulting in a conflict which may cause losing
> of some of the instance's changes, failing the saving operation or even
> corrupting the configuration file. This can happen, for example, at user
> session closing, or at group closing of all instances of an application
> which is possible in some desktop environments.
> To avoid this, make sure that only one saving operation is in progress.
> It is guarded by existance of $config_file_tmp file. Both creating the
> file and moving it to $config_file are atomic operations, so it should
> be reliable.
> Reading does not need to be syncronized, because moving is atomic
> operation, and the $config_file always refers to full and correct file.
> But, if there is a stale $config_file_tmp file, report it at gitk start.
> If such file is detected at saving, just abort the saving, because this
> is how gitk used to handle errors while saving.
> Signed-off-by: Max Kirillov <m...@max630.net>

The idea looks good; I have a couple of comments on the patch.  First,
50 tries over 5 seconds seems a bit excessive to me, wouldn't (say) 20
tries be enough?  Is the 50 the result of some analysis?

> +         error_popup "Probably there is stale $config_file_tmp file; config 
> saving is going to fail. Check if it is being used by any existing gitk 
> process and remove it otherwise"

I would word this as "There appears to be a stale $config_file_tmp
file, which will prevent gitk from saving its configuration on exit.
Please remove it if it is not being used by any existing gitk

> @@ -2811,11 +2824,16 @@ proc savestuff {w} {
>      if {$stuffsaved} return
>      if {![winfo viewable .]} return
> +    set remove_tmp 0
>      catch {
> -     if {[file exists $config_file_tmp]} {
> -         file delete -force $config_file_tmp
> +     set try_count 0
> +     while {[catch {set f [open $config_file_tmp {WRONLY CREAT EXCL}]}]} {
> +         if {[incr try_count] > 50} {
> +             error "Unable to write config file: $config_file_tmp exists"
> +         }
> +         after 100
>       }
> -     set f [open $config_file_tmp w]
> +     set remove_tmp 1
>       if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows}} {
>           file attributes $config_file_tmp -hidden true
>       }
> @@ -2878,6 +2896,14 @@ proc savestuff {w} {
>       puts $f "}"
>       close $f
>       file rename -force $config_file_tmp $config_file
> +     set remove_tmp 0
> +     return ""
> +    } err
> +    if {$err ne ""} {
> +     puts "Error saving config: $err"

I would suggest checking the return from the catch statement, like

        if {[catch {
            file rename -force $config_file_tmp $config_file
        } err]} {
            puts "Error saving config: $err"
            if {$remove_tmp} {
                file delete -force $config_file_tmp

rather than doing a return inside the catch.

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